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Customer Service
This assessment helps to identify those people who naturally feel comfortable helping others, who maked others feel comfortable in any setting and who take genuine pleasure in identifying the needs of others and then help them meet those needs. Good customer service employees are not overly self-conscious, or overly-cautious when approaching others because they feel they may not be helpful. Nor are they too concerned with what others may think about them. On the other hand, they are not so self-sufficient that they have little interest in others, and too little concern for what others think of them, therefore running the risk of being offensive. Lastly, they derive their esteem/motivation from helping others and establishing relationships.
Customer Service Definitions
1. Warmth
A genuine interest in others as opposed to an interest in ideas or one's self interest. Warm people (may be extraverted or introverted) enjoy establishing more meaningful/positive relationships with others (opposed to "what can you do for me").
2. Extravert
A natural inclination to move out into the social world, interact with others and in general enjoy socialization. Not all socialization is productive in a business sense. Indeed, objectives must be established to guide extraverted behavior toward results.
3. Agreeable
Some people love debate and discourse while others enjoy achieving harmony and equanimity. The agreeable person will often compromise their self interest in an effort to meet the needs of others. This is not always a welcome trait in sales but is highly appreciated in customer service and usually forges a positive relationship.
4. Friendly
While extraverts move into the social world, many are interested in exercising social control (sales) or meeting their own needs. Friendly people on the other hand derive satisfaction from the social process (e.g., helping others) itself and are not always driven by an end (e.g., make the sale). In addition, the friendly person is more likely to take the customer's agenda as the defining aspect of the relationship and feel accomplishment if they can meet that stated need.
5. Self Conscious
This is a negative in customer relations. This person potentially looks like a strong customer service type but is so concerned about what others think and their internal fear of making mistakes that they often cannot meet anyone's needs in an ambiguous social setting. As this score increases the person becomes less effective at meeting the needs of others and concentrates on their own concerns.
6. Self Sufficiency
This is a person who can be extraverted (looks highly social) but they are very focused on meeting their own needs and doing things in their own way, even at the expense of a positive relationship. The extraverted and self-sufficient person is more than likely to impose their own needs first when interacting with others rather than to listen to the needs of the customer.
7. Relating Dynamic
This person is motivated (derives their self-esteem) by helping and giving to others, and measures their sense of self-worth based upon their ability to help others. This person is often not very effective in sales but is very effective in customer service.
8. Anchor Cherry Picking (ACp)
Some people use extreme scores creating a True/ False test which may not invalidate it. However, with a HIGH overall score (>85%) and an ACP score is > 80%, they may be "Cherry-picking" answers that may not reflect their real style.
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